
Furlex 204E with standard Sta-lok fitting, control pack not included

SKU: 035-025-108 Category:


All the power you need

Furlex Electric is available as a complete kit or as an upgrade kit for an existing Furlex 200S, 300S, 204S and 304S series. The push-button function of a Furlex Electric makes pulling on the furling line a thing of the past.
Reliable performance: Furlex Electric is designed around a highly efficient 48V electric motor. A DC/DC converter is included and converts the boat’s 12V or 24V to 48V which allows for thin cables to the motor unit, easy installation and a compact unit design. Power is transmitted to a self-locking worm gear to rotate the luff extrusion at a max torque of 60Nm (204E) and 90Nm (304E). These high torque levels mean that you can always rely on being able to furl your foresail – even when the wind and sea are doing their worst.